Sarasota In 95th Percentile On “Best Small Cities” List

Sarasota ranked within the 95th percentile on WalletHub’s “Best Small Cities in America” list, ranking around #64 out of 1,268 US cities with populations from 25,000 to 100,000. The site uses many factors to mathematically determine qualities such as affordability, economic health, education and health, quality of life, and safety. According to WalletHub, Sarasota’s highest scoring of these categories is its quality of life. Some comparable US cities that are also in the 95th percentile of this list include Napa and Laguna Niguel in California, Concord in North Carolina, White Plains in New York, and Longmont in Colorado.

To see more in-depth numbers and learn how North Port and Bradenton fare on the list, check out this article on the Herald Tribune. You can find the actual WalletHub list here.